Early Learning Center

Early Learning Center - Lafayette Christian School

At Lafayette Christian School the foundation of quality instruction in a nurturing, Christian environment starts in the Early Learning Center which serves infants through four-year-olds. Children’s development of trust and emotional security is promoted with consistent, responsive and nurturing teachers. Children’s overall emotional well-being is supported by the classroom environment while positive social behaviors are learned and children develop self-control while learning. The solid spiritual, academic, social and physical education program prepares students for real life and success in elementary school.

The Early Learning Center is state licensed through Bright From the Start. We are a member of the National Association of Child Care Professionals (NACCP). Lafayette Christian School Early Learning Center is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

  • Fine motor skills are promoted through the use of manipulative materials and practice of eye-hand coordination.
  • Gross motor skills are promoted through daily opportunities for physical activity. Students go outdoors to one of our age-appropriate playgrounds or use the gymnasium.
  • Healthy habits are encouraged to promote good physical health and development.
  • Healthy snacks and meals are served in a pleasant social and learning environment.

  • A positive sense of self is promoted through respectful teacher-child interactions.
  • Positive guidance techniques are used to promote the development of self-control and self-regulation.
  • Cooperative and positive social behaviors are promoted through opportunities for learning reciprocity, empathy and social skills.
  • Age appropriate self-help skills are encouraged to promote personal responsibility and autonomy.

Download the ELC Application here.

You can submit your application via scan/email to: lcsearlylearningcenter@gmail.com.

For questions, you can contact the LCS office and request the
Early Learning Center: 706-884-6684.

The Bible, God’s Word to man, is integrated into learning activities in the Early Learning Center. Children will hear Bible Stories, learn Bible verses and sing Christian children’s songs.

  • Language is promoted through daily opportunities for communicating, listening, and understanding
  • Reading is promoted through daily experiences with books, print and phonology. The systematic Phonics instruction starts in the Early Learning Center and is developed in Kindergarten. Early Learning Center students have the opportunity to obtain books from the library in the Discovery Center. By Kindergarten, children are reading paragraphs.
  • Writing is promoted through daily opportunities to experience a print rich environment.
  • Math concepts are promoted with hands-on experience with number, pattern, shape, measurement, classification and comparison.
  • Science learning is promoted through opportunities for thinking, reasoning, and experimentation.
  • Social Studies is promoted through a shared sense of community and an appreciation for diversity.
  • Creativity is promoted through self-expression, symbolic representation, and development of aesthetic sensibility.
  • Unplanned teaching opportunities are recognized and used by teachers to extend children’s learning.
  • The arrangement of the classroom encourages children to become engaged and promotes child-centered learning experiences.
  • Materials are selected to advance the goals of the lesson plan and build on children’s current knowledge and skills.

Our relationship begins with an introductory tour with parents when parents meet the director and teachers. We have an open-door policy for face-to-face communication. We also use electronic communication (emails and website), hard copy paper newsletters and phone to keep communication lines open between the parents and your child’s teacher.

  • Accommodations to address the needs of individual children are made in collaboration with families, administrators, and outside specialists.
  • Written assessments are made of each child’s growth and development
  • Written observations are made on each child’s actions, abilities, and knowledge as the child engages in the classroom and in routine outdoor settings.
  • Written lesson plans that promote the child’s overall development are available for parent review.
  • The daily schedule provides a predictable routine that is responsive to the children and is posted for parents to review.