What's it For?
A perpetual source of support for the school and its mission: raising children as Jesus taught, in wisdom, structure, and in favor with God and man.
What's it Doing?
It is one of the largest revenue streams that supports Lafayette Christian School’s operating budget. It funds financial aid for students, academic support, Christian Life, and facility maintenance.
What's the Vision?
We believe that our students deserve a Christ filled future and that through your support of the Endowment, we can continue our mission for years to come.

Our Development Team is prepared to use your gifts for the future of LCS.
Donors who make contributions to advance the strategic priorities of the school become a permanent part of the Lafayette Christian experience. From supporting critical building and renovation projects to establishing funds for new engaging course experiences. The Lafayette Christian School endowment is one of our most critical strategic assets.
Please Direct Your Giving to Lafayette Christian School Today
We are happy to help you direct your gift to Lafayette Christian School in a way that is meaningful and rewarding to you.
Mark Davis:
John Cipolla: jcipolla@lafayettechristianschool.com
Or make a gift below.